Functional Nutritional Therapy Practitioners look at the big picture when it comes to health. As an FNTP, I take a bio-individual approach to my client’s wellness. There is no cookie cutter or one size all program, I look at the whole person.
You will learn about food, how to choose foods that best support your body, as well as finding a deeper understanding of body systems directly responsible for specific areas of your health.
Specifically, energy and adrenal support, a whole-food, nutrient-dense diet, sleep, stress, digestion, blood sugar balance, and hydration.
During this nutritional therapy journey, we take a deep dive into your overall health by looking at a handful of key elements. These factors contribute to our physicality, how we feel day to day, and so much more!
Working together, we will identify your underlying symptoms and correct the imbalances with foundational work that will include a whole food nutrient-dense diet & actionable lifestyle changes.
Are you ready to be the happiest & healthiest version of yourself?
It's time to take those actionable steps to live the healthful life you dream of.
Let's get started!
In-Depth Programs

Excellent! Inspiring! Eye Opening! Life Changing!
These are some of the words that RESTART® participants have used to describe their experiences with this program. The RESTART® Program is a five week class led by a qualified Holistic Nutrition Professional. It combines the simple elements of an up-to-date nutrition education, a guided 3-week sugar detox (aka Real Food Challenge), with small group support into a powerful way to kickstart a new healthy lifestyle. It’s truly an empowering combination!
What you can expect when you join a RESTART class
5 week class including a 
3-week sugar detox built-in
A small class of 6-10 participants
A powerful and empowering experience where you will make new friends
Tremendous support from your instructor and peers
A long-term strategy to make good nutritional choices
Enjoy Real Food!

A Hair Tissue Mineral Analysis will help you to address the specific mineral imbalances
accurately and efficiently in your body. Hair testing is an affordable, and non-invasive
way to discover your body’s unique mineral status. A hair tissue mineral analysis will
help you to efficiently address the specific mineral imbalances in your body.
“You can trace every illness, disease and symptom back to a mineral deficiency.”
Dr. Linus Pauling
Why do a HTMA? Are you?
Exhausted even after you’ve slept all night?
Aching, anxious, fatigued or depressed with no libido?
Frustrated with expense lab test, that say you’re fine– with no progress?
Wondering “what’s really going on” with your health?
It is accurate, affordable, and easy to do.
You receive a detailed report of mineral status, metabolic type, mineral and toxin ratios, and even recommended foods compatible to you.